Tsinghua Icon Number Theory Group at Tsinghua University

Integral period relations for base change

Time: Mon, 25 Mar 2019, 13:30-15:05

Place: Lecture hall of Jinchunyuan West Building, Tsinghua University

Speaker: Eric Urban (University of Columbia)


Under relatively mild and natural conditions, we establish an integral period relations for the (real or imaginary) quadratic base change of an elliptic cusp form. This answers a conjecture of Hida regarding the congruence number controlling the congruence between this base change and other eigenforms which are not base change. As a corollary, we establish the Bloch-Kato conjecture for adjoint modular Galois representations twisted by an even quadratic character. In the odd case, we formulate a conjecture linking the degree two topological period attached to the base change Bianchi modular form, the cotangent complex of the corresponding Hecke algebra and the archimedean regulator attached to some Beilinson-Flach element. This is a joint work with Jacques Tilouine.